Building the HEXAPOD allows one to try one's hand at different technologies in a concrete way. It is in fact an example of how such technologies can be used, and such knowledge can be easily "recycled" into other projects.
First, you learn how to build a 'complex three-dimensional object using the technology of the stampa 3D.
In fact, 3D design, slicing and preparation for printing, and finishing the various parts is explained.
The use of servo is explained, how to command them, what limits they have, etc....
3 types of controllers (Arduino nano IOT 33, Arduino UNO, ESP32-CAM) are used, treating their installation in the development environment and programming
The I2C communication protocol, used in most sensors and actuators on the market, is analyzed.
How to build a SLAVE device, capable of interfacing with the bus, is also shown.
The serial protocol is explained, and shown how to send and receive data between 2 devices.
A state machine is implemented that can receive data and discriminate them by recognizing successful transmissions from erroneous ones.
A WEB SERVER with a camera is implemented to enable remote control.
To this end, how to interface an ESP32 processor to home Wifi or a cell phone is explained.
Finally, a simple system of motion programming is proposed by creating simple functions invoked by one of the 3 control systems.