the nwe book on amazon Amazon:
A lot of users have a solar plant on the roof.
Who haven't a battery to cumulate energy see that a lot of energy was sent to thenational network at a very low price.
In 10 years (the cicle of life of the battery) is impossible to pay themself.
But the energy can be cumulate with hot water that can be use in our home.
This is a didactical book, in them I explain how build an electrical circuit to deviate the surplus of energy to the wter heater, hallow it to use only the surplus of energy. Is also possible save more money.
Freecad Tool to make printable screew
Really is not a tool but a parametric draw to create te bolts
Open the file file ToolFiletti.FCStd,

Click on the spreadsheet "datifiletto" on the left-top, the spreedsheet is show
Don't change the cells who have formula, you can change F2 where is show the external diameter and F3 where is the height .
the sistem calculate the schreew from the table on the right, the N and O column have the correction parameter.
Click now on filettocalcolato, and was show the schreew.
Click on Parte => Create a copy => Crea una copia semplice
is make a simple copy of the screew, with copy and paste you caan put on your draw.
for making a hole the procedure is similar but you can copy forofilettatocalcolato
and in your draw you need to subtract the screew...
quite simple ....